Yoga & Tarot with Inbal

Happy body, bright mind, peaceful spirit.

Filtering by Tag: yoga

My humble beginnings

Resolve to start where you are and simply take one step at a time.

Resolve to start where you are and simply take one step at a time.

One of the first things I noticed right away when I first started practicing yoga was that I was able to focus and listen through a whole 60 min lecture (I was a student in Uni at the time). Prior to that, I would listen for the first 15-20 mins and then start daydreaming, doodling and just waiting for the lecture to be over. I remember thinking to myself how amazing it was that I had gained such a great new ability despite the fact that I wasn’t even “good” at yoga.

I had no idea what I was getting into when I started my practice. Really, I just wanted to try something new and had no expectations beyond losing some weight. But, it caught me and shifted the way that I related to everything around me and even the way that I related to myself.

At that time, I was a pretty heavy cigarette smoker. I had tried to quit a few times before, but never really managed to stop for more than a few days at at time. I also had a tendency to eat too fast and way too much and would need a few cigarettes after every meal. I felt heavy and bloated most of the time. While I had some pretty solid friendships, I so desperately wanted companionship. The relationships that I established were lacking stability, they would crumble, leaving me dazed, confused and heartbroken.

All of this shifted, it was gradual and natural, a bi-product of my practice. I was unaware of how my actions were misleading me and holding me back. I naturally shed nasty habits, I naturally grew more aware and confident. My actions began to reflect my refined awareness and self value. I began to feel vibrant, brilliant, powerful and free!

Looking back, my yoga practice gave me the strength to let go of the things that I was so desperately clinging to that were not serving me and gave me the courage and clarity to actively pursue my true desires. I was able to be very deliberate about all the decisions I made and actions I took.  

I’m so grateful to have had yoga as the undercurrent of my life as I transitioned from my 20’s to my 30’s, from being single and living in Israel to getting married and moving to the US, from working for corporations to being an independent yoga teacher, and lastly into motherhood. I have a feeling of calm, when I anticipate the transitions ahead of me. My relationship to life has blossomed and I am open, ready and excited for what's to come.

Introduction - The Birth of a Daily Practice.


For the past two months I’ve been on a journey. It all started with a book I started reading called Mindful Birthing by Nancy Bardacke. I thought it would be a great read to prep for the birth of my baby, turns out it guided me into the birth of my  daily spiritual practice.

I was inspired to start meditating and for the first time in my life, I found myself consistently practicing with little to no resistance. Over the first few days, I decided to document my practice on social media. I’ve always been hesitant about sharing my spiritual side on social media. I had the notion in my head that it just doesn’t interest anyone, turns out I was wrong about that!


What started as just sitting to meditate for 10-15 mins, quickly turned into meditating and then drawing a tarot card for insight and inspiration. Shortly after that, I felt like I wanted to add a daily yoga practice to it all. Then the reiki came along, after yoga and before mediation, giving myself some reiki just seemed to make sense. I even find myself chanting on most days before or after my yoga practice.


Show up, do the work and magic will happen. I’ve heard this from my teachers and mentors again and again. I’ve understood this on a conceptual level but, this is the first time I’ve came to know this out of my own experience.

I’ve always loved to learn new things. I’m super curious and a diligent student, but, now I realize that this is the first time I’m really taking the know-how to the next level and making it personal, making my practice my own.


A delightful surprise is that new and creative ways of working with the tools I love (tarot, reiki, yoga, crystals) are coming into my mind. It’s like a natural process of discovery.


I’ve decided that the time has come to actualize these ideas, to honor the creative inspiration that’s coming my way and to start sharing my inspirations in my blog.

So here it goes!

My next post will be about how to work and connect with a new crystal or stone. They’re beautiful and alluring and we want them, so we get them, but then we don’t really know what to do with them. Stay tuned for a simple way to get to know your crystal friends!


I’d love to connect with you all!
If you’re inspired, leave a comment, ask a question or share your experience with all this magical stuff!

Thanks for reading and blessings to all of you,


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